Tuesday, May 5, 2015

James Final Relax

Today we are running across sandy white beaches (run hands side to side while gently twisting back). You feel the sand rubbing in between your toes (shake your feet out in front of you) As you are running you see your little son Jonny, and you say "Come back Jonny" (in a called voice). He calls back "look what I found". Again you run across the sand to him and you reach down in the white sand and feel around (touch your toes if you can). You then realize what he has found, a little pile of dog pooo... "EWWWW"

Monday, May 4, 2015

Dawes Life Relaxation 5

You're a window washer in New York City. It's a clear day, and you are preparing to wash a skyscraper. You clip* your safety belt into the loops above your head and begin to hoist yourself up with both arms.* When you get to the 42nd floor, you bend* from the waist and look down* to wave* to your partner, who looks like a dropped raisin on the dusty sidewalk. You straighten* back up, grab a bucket of water and soap*, and splash* some liquid on the smeared window. You pull* your squeegee from your belt and begin to swipe* back and forth along the pane. After a while, you stretch* and yawn.* The squeegee slips from your hand and plummets to the street. "Oh, no!"* With both hands, you grab* the pulley and begin to lower* yourself down. When you get to street-level, you stoop* all the way down and pick* your squeegee up out of the sewer grate. You quickly shove* the squeegee back in your belt, glance around* to make certain no one is looking, and rapidly hoist* yourself back to the 42nd floor. Seeing the windowpane is clear, you pant* on the last spot of grime, scrub* it with the heel of your right hand, and sigh.* "A job well-done!"*

Life Relaxation #5

You're an artist painting a mural. First, you put on your smock [lift hands over head]. Next, you need to collect your paints. But oh no, you're out of paints! [call "Oh no!"] You take off your smock [lift hands over head], grab your satchel [pretend to lift object from hook], open your studio door [open door], and step outside [lift legs]. You take a deep, slow breath in as you smell the sweet spring air [slow inhalation]. Now you're ready to start collecting your paints. From the sky you gather a calm blue [reach high] and put it in your satchel [place object in bag]. You climb vines of ivy growing on a rock [climb] to get the richest green leaf you have ever seen, and then you pluck it [plucking/grabbing motion] and place it in your satchel [place object in bag]. You climb down [climb] and then slowly bend to the ground [downward stretch], scooping up rich, dark soil, and place it in your satchel [place object in bag]. You have gathered enough colors to paint your mural, so you sigh [voiced sigh] and walk back to your studio [walk in place].

Life Relaxation Exercise: Narnia

It is a Saturday in summer and you are searching for adventure. You decide you wish to go to Narnia, so you open your closet doors (stretch arms in front and out) and take a big step up (bend knees high) into the wardrobe. You shuffle through the plethora of fur coats and fancy scarves (wave arms as if swimming) and finally step into a foot of snow. You raise your arms high in the air and admire the abnormally large snowflakes (turn head from side to side). You bend down and slowly scoop up a pile of sparkly white snow and then come back up and blow it off your hands. Suddenly, an army of dwarfs run toward you with weapons and you excitedly draw your swords from your right and left sides (wave your arms all over in the air), thrilled to be experiencing adventure. After you have won your sword fight, you march into the palace of Cair Paravel, put on your royal robe and your crown, and sit on your throne. You are king of Narnia!

Life Relaxation 5

You are a great tall willow tree (outline trunk) with light green leaves draping gracefully to the ground (bend over, dangle arms).  Your branches sway (swing arms back and forth) as breeze cheerfully dances past.  You feel something tickling your great round trunk (stand up slowly). It is a squirrel climbing up your trunk.  A songbird (use your arms as wings) flies through your leaves.  A three-legged rabbit hops by. You hear (cup ear) the ents call, “Hello, Willow!” You pull your roots out of the ground (pull your legs up slowly, as if very heavy), shake the dirt off of them (shake your legs), stretch out the kinks (stretch your legs), and follow (walk) the ents in search (look around, hand shading eyes) of the entwives.
—with credit to J. R. R. Tolkien for the ents

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Life-Relaxation Exercise 5

You are enjoying the solitude of your peaceful living room (inhale through nose and sigh). Across from you sits your antique mahogany floor clock. You watch as the minute hand falls slowly from twelve to six (slowly form semi-circle from top to bottom with right arm) as does the hour hand (slowly form opposite semi-circle from top to bottom with left arm). The pendulum’s swing slows down to a stop (bend down and swings arms, slowing down to a stop). The glass casing begins to crack from bottom to top (slowly stand up). Springs begin to fly out of the clock face (point finger and extend arm in a variety of directions). Suddenly, the bright red bird emerges from the clock and flies out of the window (wave arms in “flying” motion). You never noticed that this was a cuckoo clock (call “Oh!”). You walk across the room, reach up and grab the top of the floor clock and push it over from the side. You knew that hanging a wall clock right behind that old antique was a good idea!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Relaxing on Vacation

It is the perfect temperature outside as you have just arrived in Hawaii for a vacation. Seeing the cottage that you have rented [draw], you grab your luggage [pick up luggage] and bring it inside [walk]. You immediately walk back outside [walk] to enjoy the feeling of the warm sun on your face. Standing up straight [good posture], you close your eyes [close eyes] and slowly relax your entire face [relax forehead, eye muscles, cheeks, jaw, lips], then your neck and the rest of your body [relax neck, shoulders, and limbs]. Feeling relaxed, you walk through the sand [walk] up to the edge of the water [draw waves with whole arm]. You dive in [bend over], rise slowly [rise], and begin to swim [swim]. When you get out of the water, you shake off the droplets [shake limbs] and you see a coconut [draw] so you squat [squat] to pick it up. You follow the path that it rolled [walk] and come upon two palm trees [draw], between which there is a hammock [draw]. “Hooray!” [call] You decide to take a nap, so you sigh “mmm” [sigh mmm].