Thursday, April 9, 2015


Today we will be making fence posts. But before we go up to the hill we need to grab our equipment. On our left (bend down) are the wedges and on your right (bend down) is the sledge. Now lets walk up the hill (walking motion) (breathing through nose and out mouth). You are now at the top of the hill. You look and see a nice straight 7-foot piece of locus wood. Now we will split the posts. (Bend over and start the first wedge) Now that we have started the wedge we will finish splitting it. (Stand and then two swings on each shoulder, breathing between strokes). The piece of wood splits right in two. Well done! Now lets pick up the pieces and throooowww it into the wagon (breath out). Then we get on the tractor (sit down) (buzz lips to sound like tractor). As you get down to the road you see your customer, he hands you a nice crisp $50 bill. And you sigh "ahhhh" Now you have made your first $50 making fence posts.

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