Monday, May 4, 2015

Life Relaxation 5

You are a great tall willow tree (outline trunk) with light green leaves draping gracefully to the ground (bend over, dangle arms).  Your branches sway (swing arms back and forth) as breeze cheerfully dances past.  You feel something tickling your great round trunk (stand up slowly). It is a squirrel climbing up your trunk.  A songbird (use your arms as wings) flies through your leaves.  A three-legged rabbit hops by. You hear (cup ear) the ents call, “Hello, Willow!” You pull your roots out of the ground (pull your legs up slowly, as if very heavy), shake the dirt off of them (shake your legs), stretch out the kinks (stretch your legs), and follow (walk) the ents in search (look around, hand shading eyes) of the entwives.
—with credit to J. R. R. Tolkien for the ents

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