Monday, May 4, 2015

Life Relaxation Exercise: Narnia

It is a Saturday in summer and you are searching for adventure. You decide you wish to go to Narnia, so you open your closet doors (stretch arms in front and out) and take a big step up (bend knees high) into the wardrobe. You shuffle through the plethora of fur coats and fancy scarves (wave arms as if swimming) and finally step into a foot of snow. You raise your arms high in the air and admire the abnormally large snowflakes (turn head from side to side). You bend down and slowly scoop up a pile of sparkly white snow and then come back up and blow it off your hands. Suddenly, an army of dwarfs run toward you with weapons and you excitedly draw your swords from your right and left sides (wave your arms all over in the air), thrilled to be experiencing adventure. After you have won your sword fight, you march into the palace of Cair Paravel, put on your royal robe and your crown, and sit on your throne. You are king of Narnia!

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