Monday, May 4, 2015

Life Relaxation #5

You're an artist painting a mural. First, you put on your smock [lift hands over head]. Next, you need to collect your paints. But oh no, you're out of paints! [call "Oh no!"] You take off your smock [lift hands over head], grab your satchel [pretend to lift object from hook], open your studio door [open door], and step outside [lift legs]. You take a deep, slow breath in as you smell the sweet spring air [slow inhalation]. Now you're ready to start collecting your paints. From the sky you gather a calm blue [reach high] and put it in your satchel [place object in bag]. You climb vines of ivy growing on a rock [climb] to get the richest green leaf you have ever seen, and then you pluck it [plucking/grabbing motion] and place it in your satchel [place object in bag]. You climb down [climb] and then slowly bend to the ground [downward stretch], scooping up rich, dark soil, and place it in your satchel [place object in bag]. You have gathered enough colors to paint your mural, so you sigh [voiced sigh] and walk back to your studio [walk in place].

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